Herbal Capsules
$11.99 USD
$13.99 USD
Supports Digestive System Supports maintenance of Normal Blood Sugar Levels Helpful as an Immunity Booster & supports blood platelets health Helpful as an anti-oxidant agent and maintains good blood flow towards heart muscles Lab tested for quality, Non-GMO, vegan & gluten free Papaya or Papaw (Botanical Name - Carica Pappaya) is a valuable tree commonly cultivated in gardens throughout India; indigenous in America. Carica papaya is cultivated for its edible ripe fruit; its juice is a popular beverage, and its young leaves, shoots, and fruits are cooked as a vegetable. Scientific studies of Papaya leaves shows presence of important nutrients such as vitamins A, B1, C and E, calories, protein, carbohydrates, calcium, phosphorus, iron for Vitality, increasing Immunity & platelets. The presence alkaloid, glucoside and enzyme called papain in papaya Leaf supports healthy blood circulation to heart muscles and aids in digestion by breaking down the proteins naturally.Papaya plant is...
Supports Digestive System Supports maintenance of Normal Blood Sugar Levels Helpful as an Immunity Booster & supports blood platelets health...
$11.99 USD
$22.99 USD
Supports anti-inflammatory response, as antioxidant & healthy immunity
Supports healthy Immunity & in recurrent respiratory infections.
Supports as Anti-oxidant & anti-inflammation in Joints
Promotes Blood purification and wounds & ulcer healing
Lab tested for quality, Non-GMO, vegan & gluten free
Turmeric or Haldi extract is rich in useful components such as Curcuminoids, which helps our body fight various infections effectively. The Curcuminoids helps to reduce C-reactive protein circulating in blood & produce anti-bodies to fight various bacterial infections. Curcuminoids also helps to prevent free radical damage as anti-oxidant agent & as anti-inflammation agent in joint pains. The Haldi Organic Powder is best remedy mentioned in Ayurvedic Texts for allergy, skin problems (also good for Skin health), blood purification & various respiratory problems. Organic Kalimiri powder (Black pepper) is good for reducing phlegm from throat region, increase bio-availability of Turmeric powder/extract through the human body & increase its efficacy.
Supports anti-inflammatory response, as antioxidant & healthy immunity Supports healthy Immunity & in recurrent respiratory infections. Supports as Anti-oxidant &...
$11.99 USD
$13.99 USD
Supports Strength, Stamina & Healthy Libido Helpful as Natural General Tonic & Rejuvenator. Helpful to normalise blood sugar levels Contains Fulvic acid, helpful to absorb Vitamins & Nutrients Lab tested for quality, Non-GMO, vegan & gluten free Shilajit Extract Capsule (Asphaltum) is as per Ayurvedic science, exudates from Rocky Mountains especially Himalayas, very Useful to Increase Vigour, Vitality, Stamina & Strength. As Rocky Mountains along with minerals get overheated by consistent Sunrays, multiple minerals liquefy and exudates like resins or gums from plants, it is collected and purified.This exudate is also known as Shilajeet or Shilajatu or Mineral pitch and usually exudates from Himalayan Range of Mountains (Between India & Nepal) is collected. An ancient authentic Ayurvedic text, called the Charaka Samhita, states that there is no curable disease in the universe, which is not effectively cured by Purified Shilajit when it is administered at the appropriate time. In Sanskrit...
Supports Strength, Stamina & Healthy Libido Helpful as Natural General Tonic & Rejuvenator. Helpful to normalise blood sugar levels Contains...
$11.99 USD
$15.99 USD
Supports Low Blood Sugar & as Antioxidant Supports maintenance of insulin output & its proper function. Supports prevention of diabetic complications & resulting organ damage. Promotes as antioxidant & high energy level. Scientific study has shown that Gudmar or Gymnema Herb extract contains Gymnemic acids which help to reduce absorption of glucose molecules from intestinal lining and improve insulin secretion from the pancreas. These pharmacological actions reduce blood glucose level and maintain lower Glycosylated Haemoglobin level.Methi, Daruharidra & Amala extracts are helpful as digestive, anti-oxidant, lowering Lipid content in Arteries and as general tonic. Methi Extract studies especially has shown presence of 4-hydroxyisoleucine which helps to promote blood flow to heart muscles and decelerate glucose molecule absorption in blood. Bilva extract is helpful as Intestinal cleanser & improves functional properties of pancreatic cells, which in turn reduces blood sugar level.Guduchi, Neem extract help to improve or modulate the immunity, cleanse...
Supports Low Blood Sugar & as Antioxidant Supports maintenance of insulin output & its proper function. Supports prevention of diabetic...
$11.99 USD
$16.49 USD
Supports Low Sugar Levels Helps to prevent tissue, cells damage. Helps to reduce thirst and supports proper digestion. Contains Polyphenols which helps to reduce high blood Sugar & acts as Anti-oxidant. Lab tested for quality, Non-GMO, vegan & gluten free Jamun (Botanical – Eugenia jambolana), also popularly known as jambul, jambolan, java plum is a nutritious seasonal fruit found in abundance in Asia. Jamun fruit is eaten as a health snack in many parts of the world. Jamun is a delicious tropical plum-like fruit rich in vitamins and minerals. Fruit, seeds, bark and leaves of Jambul have medicinal properties. Jamun is loaded with antioxidants and Flavonoids essential for a healthy body and mind. As compared with other fruits, Jambul provides lesser calories making it the perfect choice in a healthy diet!Jamun helps as Astringent in action and has alleviated Kapha/pitta reducing property. Jamun is widely distributed throughout India and ayurvedic...
Supports Low Sugar Levels Helps to prevent tissue, cells damage. Helps to reduce thirst and supports proper digestion. Contains Polyphenols...
$11.99 USD
$13.99 USD
Supports Strength & Energy Helpful as Nutritive tonic in General & muscle weakness. Helpful to Improve Strength & performance level. Supports Rejuvenation of Reproductive System. Safed Musli is decorticated rhizome or tuberous root of Chlorophytum borivilianum plant, they are dried and Powdered. In Ayurveda it is mentioned as bitter in taste, heavy to digest. Safed Musli is useful to pacify vitiated Vata and has body nourishing properties. Safed Musali Powder has adequate fibres which help to clear bowel & reduce inflammation of internal piles. In Ayurveda Safed Musli is considered to be one of the best Rejuvenating tonics for all. Safed Musli is also gaining increasing acceptance as a Natural Vitalizer and health-giving tonic, a curative for pre-natal and post-natal problems, a restorative for immunity-improvement and as a useful adjuvant remedy for diabetes and arthritis. The recent discovery of Safed Musli as a natural and safe aphrodisiac agent has also...
Supports Strength & Energy Helpful as Nutritive tonic in General & muscle weakness. Helpful to Improve Strength & performance level....
$12.00 USD
$13.99 USD
Supports Immunity, Overall energy & good sleep Promotes reduction in stress level & improvement in sleep quality. Promotes relief in Joint Pain & Inflammation Supports healthy reproductive system Lab tested for quality, Non-GMO, vegan & gluten free Ashwagandha/ Asvagandha/ Asgandha (Botanical Name: Withania Somnifera) is referred as Indian ginseng, helps to provide natural source of energy and promote muscle strength. Ashwagandha has been used by Ayurveda for thousands of years as rasāyana (rejuvenation) and helps as a natural adaptive agent. Ashwagandha supports as a physiological and psychological Natural Stress-relief agent. In Sanskrit, it is known by the name Ashwagandha, which means the odor of a horse. It is named so because of the odor of horse sweat that the roots seem to emanate, as well as the virility of a horse, an inference to the traditional use of ashwagandha to support a healthy male reproductive system.Ashwagandha, as per Ayurveda,...
Supports Immunity, Overall energy & good sleep Promotes reduction in stress level & improvement in sleep quality. Promotes relief in...
$11.99 USD
$14.99 USD
Supports Good Health Contains Saponins which helps in reducing High Cholesterol Level. Contains 4-hydroxy-isoleucine which helps to control sugar metabolism. Contains nutritional elements like Protein, aminoacids for Nutrition. Lab tested for quality, Non-GMO, vegan & gluten free Fenugreek or commonly known as Methi or Methika has botanical name as – Trigonella foenum graeceum. As per ayurveda fenugreek is Tiktarasam (Bitter), Ushna veerayam (Hot in potency), which helps to reduce Vata & kapha & stimulates appetite. Methi Seeds are mucilaginous, demulcent & due to its astringent action helps to stop loose motions. Fenugreek Seed when taken internally is supposed to be helpful as emmenagogue to women who suffer from low monthly menstrual flow. A Gruel like recipe prepared of Methi seeds helps to increase milk flow by stimulating milk ducts in post natal care after pregnancy.According to studies fenugreek or methi supports low cholesterol level naturally, especially that of the low...
Supports Good Health Contains Saponins which helps in reducing High Cholesterol Level. Contains 4-hydroxy-isoleucine which helps to control sugar metabolism....
$11.99 USD
$12.99 USD
Promotes Vigour, Vitality & Supports Performance Supports healthy Sperm count & as aphrodisiac. Promotes Muscle strength & as Libido booster. Supports as mind & smooth muscle relaxing agent. Ashwagandha Extract helps as an effective anti-stress and mode alleviator agent. Scientific study has shown presence of natural sterols & alkaloids which aids as an anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant & anti-stress properties; this helps psychological mood alleviation helping to relax smooth muscle and improving blood circulation for strength, energy & performance.Kavacha or Mucuna Extract study has shown (presence of L-dopamine) effective dopaminergic action like mood enhancement, muscle building, increasing Aphrodisiac effect & nervous system tonic.Gokhru extract [small caltrops] – Study has revealed that Tribulus extract has shown presence of Steroidal saponins & phytosterols which supports as anabolic tonic to gain muscle strength, power and as performance enhancer.Vidarikand extract – The carbohydrates & protein present promotes healthy production of semen, vigour & vitality and improves...
Promotes Vigour, Vitality & Supports Performance Supports healthy Sperm count & as aphrodisiac. Promotes Muscle strength & as Libido booster....
$11.61 USD
$15.49 USD
Supports as Natural Liver Tonic. It contains Bitters useful to increase immunity against various infections Useful to digest toxins and purify liver tissues Andrographolide present is useful as anti-inflammation and to reduce bodyache Lab tested for quality, Non-GMO, vegan & gluten free Kalmegh Or Andrographis Paniculata is a very important medicinal plant of traditional medicine system. Kalmegh is found growing wild throughout the plains and hills of tropical India, from Uttar Pradesh to Kerala, and also in Bangladesh, Pakistan and all South East Asian countries. All part of plant is extremely bitter due to which plant is known as “King of bitter”. This plant is called Hempedu Bumi (meaning bile of earth) in Malaysia. In Ayurveda Kalmegh is used in various ailments related vitiated Pitta/ Kapha in Liver, Skin and Intestine. As per Ayurvedic principle excess Pitta cause disturbance in liver enzymes, which leads to inflammation in cells & thus...
Supports as Natural Liver Tonic. It contains Bitters useful to increase immunity against various infections Useful to digest toxins and...
$11.99 USD
$14.99 USD
Supports Weight Reducing action Supports to reduce appetite & food craving Helpful in reducing Lipid & Carbs and prevention of fat deposition Lab tested for quality, Non-GMO, vegan & gluten free Caralluma (Botanical name – Caralluma Fimbriata) is a succulent plant (cactus) from India. In India Caralluma grows wild and is often used as a border in gardens and as a roadside shrub. Caralluma is also found in the wild in Africa, Saudi Arabia, Canary Islands, Afghanistan, and Southern Europe. Traditionally, Indian tribes used to chew chunks of Caralluma plant to keep from being hungry during a long hunt. Caralluma is also consumed in India as vegetable with spices Or made in to chutney or pickles.Nowadays the extract derived from the plant is used to decrease appetite for weight loss. It is also used to quench thirst and to increase endurance. Although not fully characterized, Caralluma fimbriata is believed to...
Supports Weight Reducing action Supports to reduce appetite & food craving Helpful in reducing Lipid & Carbs and prevention of...
$11.99 USD
Supports Liver Wellbeing & Immunity Supports reduction of inflammation in the Liver cells. Promotes reduction of Viral Load in Liver. Supports healthy Bile flow & as anti-oxidant. This above formulation has been made after doing thorough research of Ayurvedic ancient texts and Scientific studies using active principles in herbs. The permutation and combination of these Standardised Herbal Extracts have been done keeping in mind efficacy and safety of formulation. The combinations of extracts act on well being of hepatic or liver cells, reducing inflammation and cleansing its channels. The Bitters (Phyllanthin) and Lignans contained in Extract of Bhumyamlaki helps to reduce toxicity in liver with anti-oxidant activity. Kutaki is main ingredient to protect Liver cells, removes toxicity from stomach & Liver by making the stools loose. Kutaki Extract contains Bitter glycoside which helps to reduce viral attack and improve Liver functions. Guduchi extract helps to retain immunity, improve glucose metabolism...
Supports Liver Wellbeing & Immunity Supports reduction of inflammation in the Liver cells. Promotes reduction of Viral Load in Liver....
$11.99 USD
$14.99 USD
Supports Normal blood sugar levels It helps as a Digestive Stimulant & may help to delay absorption of sugar from food. Supports healthy pancreatic functions Contains Gymnemic acids which helps to stimulate Insulin. Lab tested for quality, Non-GMO, vegan & gluten free Gudmar (Bot. Name - Gymnema sylvestre) is a herb native to Asia that has being used medicinally for thousands of years in India. Accordingly to ayurveda it is called Gudmar, which literally means ‘Sugar-Destroyer’. Also if we chew Gudmar leaves, then our tongue becomes dead to Sugar taste for 1-2 hours. Gudmar helps to maintain healthy Blood sugar levels by stimulating Insulin secretion & its function to metabolise excessive sugar. As per Bhavprakash Nighantu (Ancient Ayurvedic Text), Gudmar herb is bitter in taste, has pungent taste after digestion, with dry in properties & aggravates Vata dosha. Gudmar supports regularizing bowel movements, improving digestion, suppressing sugar cravings & healthy...
Supports Normal blood sugar levels It helps as a Digestive Stimulant & may help to delay absorption of sugar from...
$12.99 USD
Supports healthy brain & mental functions It Contains Triterpinoids which helps in neurological problems. It helps to flow more blood to brain & increasing intelligence. It helps to develop tissues of Vocal Chords (Voice quality). Lab tested for quality, Non-GMO, vegan & gluten free Brahmi Or Bacopa is a perennial, creeping herb native to the wetlands of southern and Eastern India, Australia, Europe, Africa, Asia, and North and South America. Bacopa is a medicinal herb used in Ayurveda, where it is also known as "Brahmi", after Brahmā, the creator God of the Hindu pantheon. Bacopa monnieri was initially described around the 6th century A.D. in texts such as the Charaka Samhita, Atharva-Veda, and Susrut Samhita as a medhya rasayana (Brain Rejuvenator)–class herb taken to sharpen intellect and attenuate mental deficits. The herb was allegedly used by ancient Vedic scholars to memorize lengthy sacred hymns and scriptures. From Ancient time Brahmi/ Bacopa is used as Nervine and...
Supports healthy brain & mental functions It Contains Triterpinoids which helps in neurological problems. It helps to flow more blood...
$11.99 USD
For Cholesterol Support Useful in controlling High Blood Cholesterol & Lipid Levels Useful in Improving Blood Circulation & preventing formation of clots. Supports Anti-Inflammatory and Analgesic action in Joint pains. Lab tested for quality, Non-GMO, vegan & gluten free Guggul Extract capsule (Commiphora Mukul) In ayurveda very useful to control and support cholesterol level & Lipid Metabolism. In Ayurveda Gum Guggul is also known by the names Guggul, Indian Bedellium and has Botanical name as Commiphora mukul. Guggul Extract is the sticky oleo gum resin from the Commiphora Mukul tree which plays a major role in the traditional herbal medicine of India. Ayurveda mentions that Guggul Extract is Bitter, astringent in taste, hot in potency and pungent after digestion, helps to improve blood circulation, decreases Vocal cord swelling & improves voice quality. It is digestive, appetiser, removes extra mucous from channels of the body and helps to reduce sugar levels.Ayurveda...
For Cholesterol Support Useful in controlling High Blood Cholesterol & Lipid Levels Useful in Improving Blood Circulation & preventing formation...
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Bixa Herbal Capsules contain standardised herbal extracts as per their active principles in
recommended dosage, to achieve maximum positive results. The active molecules in herbs are
identified as per their pharmacology actions, processed & extracted hygienically and packed in veg
capsules. Scientifically researched formulations are made as per various diseases.
recommended dosage, to achieve maximum positive results. The active molecules in herbs are
identified as per their pharmacology actions, processed & extracted hygienically and packed in veg
capsules. Scientifically researched formulations are made as per various diseases.