Herbal Extracts
$119.99 USD
For Cholesterol Support Useful in controlling High Blood Cholesterol & Lipid Levels Useful in Improving Blood Circulation & preventing formation of clots. Supports Anti-Inflammatory and Analgesic action in Joint pains. Several research trials followed the discovery, culminating in studies examining Guggul Extracts effectiveness in humans. The primary chemical constituents of Guggul Extract include phytosterols, gugulipids, and guggulsterones. Guggul Extract was found to help reduce high cholesterol, because it lowers harmful low-density lipoproteins while elevating the beneficial high-density lipoproteins. Guggul Extract helps prevent blood platelet aggregation and breaks up already formed blood clots. Thus, it helps to prevent heart disease and stroke. Guggul Extract is also widely promoted as a weight loss agent which supports & enhances thyroid function. It is also seen that Guggul Extract stimulates the activity of white blood cells in the body, contributing to the build-up of the immune system. Guggul Extract may also be used to treat...
For Cholesterol Support Useful in controlling High Blood Cholesterol & Lipid Levels Useful in Improving Blood Circulation & preventing formation of...
$49.99 USD
$45.00 USD
Supports Digestive Health Supports natural Bowel cleansing & removing undigested food particles. Helps to prevent early damage to tissues & Oxidative process at cellular levels. Regular gargling Supports throat cleansing, prevention from infections. Harde or Haritaki [ Bot Name – Terminalia Chebula]has been regarded very high from ancient times by traditional healers and it is rightly called the MOTHER OF HERBS! It is widely used in ayurvedic medicines for various ailments for Rejuvenation & Detoxification. It is among the important three fruits used in “Triphala” (Three Myrobalans), an ayurvedic generic medicine which is well known name throughout the world for its health benefits. Harde or Terminalia Chebula, basically helps to remove toxins & undigested materials from body as mild laxative & helps digestion. Harde fruit extract is rich in Tannins which supports general health gain, well being of eyes, brain, throat, intestine, skin, liver, spleen & urinary tract. Haritaki helps...
Supports Digestive Health Supports natural Bowel cleansing & removing undigested food particles. Helps to prevent early damage to tissues &...
$59.99 USD
Supports overall Women health.
It Contains Natural Steriodal Saponins which supports healthy lactation.
Supports as general & Uterine tonic and useful in Hot Flashes.
Supports in hyperacidity as cooling & soothing herb.
As per modern study - Shatavari extract or Asparagus extract, is rich in Saponnins, primarily help as a reproductive tonic (both male and female), promotes soothing effect on the digestive system and as a powerful adaptogen (which helps the body to adapt to various unhealthy surroundings). As a reproductive tonic, Shatavari helps to regulate the menstrual cycle and female hormones, reduce vaginal pain during the monthly cycle. Shatavari promotes uterine strength during pregnancy, childbirth and ample lactation (flow and quantity of milk). Shatavari helps to reduce hot flashes, night sweats, irritability, hormonal disturbances and dryness during menopause
Supports overall Women health. It Contains Natural Steriodal Saponins which supports healthy lactation. Supports as general & Uterine tonic and...
$99.99 USD
Supports Strength, Stamina & Healthy Libido Helpful as Natural General Tonic & Rejuvenator. Helpful to normalise blood sugar levels Contains Fulvic acid, helpful to absorb Vitamins & Nutrients Lab tested for quality, Non-GMO, vegan & gluten free Packing Type : 25 kg Carton / Drum Shilajit Extract shows presence of various minerals in ionic form, Vitamins, Fulvic acid and very important phyto-nutrients. The Fulvic acid in Shilajit Extract is in its most natural and purest form. Fulvic acid is required to dilate the cell walls and transport the minerals deep into the cells. Minerals also act as catalysts in the assimilation of vitamins. Insufficient supply of minerals will also mean vitamin deficiency. Scientists and doctors throughout the world are beginning to discover fulvic acid and are recognizing its extraordinary potential. Shilajit Extract thus effectively helps to arrest and reverse the aging process. Intermittent use Shilajit extract may help significantly to...
Supports Strength, Stamina & Healthy Libido Helpful as Natural General Tonic & Rejuvenator. Helpful to normalise blood sugar levels Contains...
$49.99 USD
Supports as Natural VIT C Supplement
Supports as Anti-Oxidant & helps in damaged cells repair.
Helps to prevent accumulation of bad cholesterol & maintains cardiac health.
It helps to boost Immunity and re-energise generally weak body.
Amla extract is good for high cholesterol, healthy heart function, as antioxidant. Amla extract helps as rejuvenating tonic & vitamin C supplement. The Tannins present in extact helps to prevent degradation of vitamin C content.
Supports as Natural VIT C Supplement Supports as Anti-Oxidant & helps in damaged cells repair. Helps to prevent accumulation of...
$59.99 USD
$83.00 USD
Supports as Nervine Tonic.
It Contains L-Dopa which helps to resolve neurological problems.
It helps as general tonic and muscle builder.
Supports as Anti-oxidant to protect cellular tissues of brain.
Lab tested for quality, Non-GMO, vegan & gluten free
Packing Type :Â 25 kg Carton / DrumÂ
Most Modern study of Mucuna Extract has shown presence of a natural compound (L-dopa), which is a direct precursor to the neurotransmitter dopamine. Dopamine supports stimulation of the pituitary gland to increase its production and healthy testosterone levels. These resulting increased levels of these hormones from the use of Mucuna extracts, powders and/or raw herbs explains its possible association with promoting strength, fertility, lean muscle mass, reducing signs of aging such as wrinkles and body fat, increasing bone density and even boosting overall energy & dopamine levels. Mucuna extract supports as a natural Nervine tonic.
Supports as Nervine Tonic. It Contains L-Dopa which helps to resolve neurological problems. It helps as general tonic and muscle...
$99.99 USD
Promotes Vigour & Vitality Supports enhancement of physical strength and healthy muscle power. Supports Natural, Healthy libido & overall energy level. Promotes healthy Male Reproductive System functions Safed Musali has adequate fibres which help to clear bowel & reduce inflammation of internal piles. In Ayurveda Safed Musali is considered to be one of the best Rejuvenating tonics for all. Safed Musali extract which rich in Saponins, is also gaining increasing acceptance as a Natural Vitalizer and health-giving tonic, a curative for pre-natal and post-natal problems, a restorative for immunity-improvement and as a useful adjuvant remedy for diabetes and arthritis. The recent discovery of Safed Musli as a natural and safe aphrodisiac agent has also opened up new channels of application and new demand for it. By virtue of being an herb, Safed Musli has been found to be an ideal aphrodisiac with no negative side-effects associated with chemical-based aphrodisiac. The...
Promotes Vigour & Vitality Supports enhancement of physical strength and healthy muscle power. Supports Natural, Healthy libido & overall energy...
$91.00 USD
$95.00 USD
Supports healthy joint functions & anti-inflammation
Supports Joint flexibility & mobility.
Supports muscle & connective tissue health.
Helps to remove toxins and for healthy digestion.
Lab tested for quality, Non-GMO, vegan & gluten free
Packing Type : 25 kg Carton / Drum
Boswellic acid is an important active constituent in Shallaki, which helps in suppressing joint inflammation and pain by targeting key enzymes that facilitate the release of pro-inflammatory chemicals in the joints. Hence Boswellia is used in various stages of arthritis as an anti-inflammation & pain killing agent, especially during menopausal joint pains. Shallaki extract also helps in reducing lymph gland swelling, fever and as expectorant. Shallaki extract also help in blocking the chemical reactions that set the stage for inflammation in cases of chronic intestinal disorders and ulcerative colitis.
Supports healthy joint functions & anti-inflammation Supports Joint flexibility & mobility. Supports muscle & connective tissue health. Helps to remove...
$59.99 USD
Supports Digestive & Respiratory System. It is helpful to reduce flatulence & spasm of stomach. It is helpful to clear sore throat and reduce cold. Supports healthy Joint functions Suntha or Ginger extract is easily digested, absorbed from the intestines and has anti-flatulency, intestinal spasm reducing properties. Ginger helps to clean the toxicity from the tongue, by removing undigested (Aam) food materials and supports the appetite. The Aromatic oil present in the Ginger rhizome helps to prevent bad breadth, improve salivary secretion (sialagogue) and promotes gastro-intestinal tract movements. Ginger extract contains Gingerols which is found useful in common cold & cough, where there is immunity suppression & fever sets in. Ginger extract promotes removal of extra phlegm from bronchus and respiratory tract & helps to reduce symptoms of acute bronchitis/ Sinusitis and headache/ body ache. On long term basis Suntha/Ginger extract is helpful as hot water infusion drink like herbal...
Supports Digestive & Respiratory System. It is helpful to reduce flatulence & spasm of stomach. It is helpful to clear...
$59.99 USD
Supports as Blood Purifier & De-toxifier
Promotes low glucose uptake from Intestine & maintenance of Blood Sugar level.
Bitters & Alkaloids present supports healthy pancreatic cells functions.
Promotes improvement of Liver functions.
Considered to be useful in Skin Diseases & as blood oxygenetor.
Packing Type :Â 25 kg Carton / DrumÂ
Various Scientific study of Karela or Bitter melon Extract shows presence of plant-based natural insulin known as polypeptide-P, which acts like insulin made in pancreas. Karela fruit extract is said to contain Triterpenoids, alkaloids & bitters which are helps to promote hypoglycaemic effects via different physiological and biochemical processes. Karela Extract promotes removal of extra phlegm from the system, purify respiratory tract & pacify fever. . Karela extract has been used in natural medicine for centuries as a blood purifier.
Supports as Blood Purifier & De-toxifier Promotes low glucose uptake from Intestine & maintenance of Blood Sugar level. Bitters &...
$59.99 USD
Rich in Polyphenols, Catechins; supports as antioxidant agent. Helps as Stimulant, to stay alert & improve brain functions. Helps to boost metabolism, control fat deposition & weight loss. Helps to control sugar & improve oxygenated blood flow to heart All types of tea, except herbal tea, are brewed from the dried leaves of the Camellia sinensis bush. The level of oxidation of the leaves determines the type of tea. Green tea, native to China and India, has been consumed and hailed for its health benefits for centuries globally, but has only recently gained popularity in the United States. Tea is the most consumed beverage in the world behind water. However, 78 percent of the tea consumed worldwide is black and only about 20 percent is green. Green tea is made from un-oxidized leaves and is one of the less processed types of tea. Green tea is considered one of the...
Rich in Polyphenols, Catechins; supports as antioxidant agent. Helps as Stimulant, to stay alert & improve brain functions. Helps to...
$59.99 USD
$60.00 USD
Supports General Good Health Contains Saponins which helps in reducing High Cholesterol Level. Contains 4-hydroxy-isoleucine which helps to control sugar metabolism. Contains nutritional elements like Protein, aminoacids which helps Nutrition. Supports healthy monthly periods cycle in women Fenugreek Seed Extract powder when taken internally helps as emmenagogue to women who suffer from low monthly menstrual flow. A Gruel like recipe prepared of Methi seeds helps to increase milk flow by stimulating milk ducts in post natal care after pregnancy. According to studies fenugreek extract supports low cholesterol level naturally, especially that of the low density lipoprotein (LDL). Fenugreek extract are known to be rich source of steroidal saponins that supports prevention of the absorption of cholesterol and triglycerides. Fenugreek extract has shown presence of 4-hydroxyisoleucine, galactomannan, which plays a key role to maintain healthy heart & decelerating the absorption rate of sugar into our bloodstream, thus bringing Average Sugar level...
Supports General Good Health Contains Saponins which helps in reducing High Cholesterol Level. Contains 4-hydroxy-isoleucine which helps to control sugar...
$49.99 USD
Supports Healthy Intestinal Function Promotes reduction of sore throat & removal of excessive phlegm. Supports as anti-oxidant and tonic to eyes & hairs. Promotes removal of toxic or undigested waste from intestine. In Sanskrit, Bibhitak is known as “Vibheetaki” in which ‘bheeta’ means fear and ‘Vibheeta’ means lack of fear. The whole word “Vibheetaki” means the fruit that takes away the fear of disease. Bibhitak or Baheda is one of an important herb in three myrobalans (fruits, Triphalla – 3 fruits), i.e. Amla, Harde and Baheda having Latin Name – Terminalia Belerica. As per Ayurveda Bibhitak is hot in potency and helps to reduce Vitiated Pitta & kapha dosha’s (Humors) of the body. Bibhitak is a natural laxative and contains dietary fibres which are digestive agents & fights with constipation related problems. Bibhitaki powder also supports relief from problem related piles and anal pain. Bibhitak powder when taken with Harde...
Supports Healthy Intestinal Function Promotes reduction of sore throat & removal of excessive phlegm. Supports as anti-oxidant and tonic to...
$49.99 USD
Supports Immunity System Useful in body pain, muscle ache and as anti-inflammation. Useful to decrease toxicity in body and as blood purifier. Presence of Bitters is useful in controlling Sugar levels. There are reports that the Giloy plant extracts have active compounds in the form of alkaloids, glycosides, lactones, bitters and steroids. All these active compounds have immune modulator and physiological roles of different types, thereby demonstrating the diverse versatility of the plant! In Ayurveda, Tinospora or Guduchi is considered to be very valuable Herb & used in various generic formulations, especially Fever medicines. Aqueous Tinospora extracts has been reported to influence the cytokine production, stimulation & activation of immune effectors cells and prevention of oxidative Stress on cells. Guduchi Extract helps to exhibit reduction in eosinophil count, stimulation of B lymphocytes, macrophages, white blood cells and average haemoglobin percentage. Hence Guduchi extract may be used in various ailments as...
Supports Immunity System Useful in body pain, muscle ache and as anti-inflammation. Useful to decrease toxicity in body and as...
$89.99 USD
$77.00 USD
Supports anti-inflammatory response, as antioxidant & healthy immunity Useful as Immunity Booster & in recurrent respiratory infections. Anti-oxidant, helps to reduce inflammation in joints due to infections. Helps to Purify Blood, heal wounds & ulcers faster. Various uses of Haldi are mentioned in Ayurvedic, Unnani & Home remedies books. The immunity boosting property of Curcuma Shields Human body from various Septic micro-organism and fights various dreadful diseases. In small children haldi powder ¼-1tsp is given regularly in warm milk to support immunity against recurrent cough & cold, chronic rhinitis, esonophilia, bronchitis etc. In adults 1 to1.5 tsp daily intake with warm milk or honey-warm water, supports protections from recurrent Urinary Infections, skin infections & balances irregular high blood glucose levels. Scientific study has shown that Turmeric or Haldi extract is rich in useful components such as Curcuminoids (Curcumin), which supports healthy immunity & low C-reactive protein levels circulating in blood...
Supports anti-inflammatory response, as antioxidant & healthy immunity Useful as Immunity Booster & in recurrent respiratory infections. Anti-oxidant, helps to...
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Bixa Herbal extracts are individual herbal standardised extracts with pre-decided lab confirmed
active principles. These Herbal extracts can be used alone (single active ingredients) or to make
required herbal formulations for various ailments. These Herbal extracts are available in easy,
convenient, hygienic bulk packaging and attractive reasonable packing.
active principles. These Herbal extracts can be used alone (single active ingredients) or to make
required herbal formulations for various ailments. These Herbal extracts are available in easy,
convenient, hygienic bulk packaging and attractive reasonable packing.