Bixa Herbal extracts standardised actives raw material bulk packaging

Herbal Extracts

Herbal Extracts
Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) Dry Extract Herb - 5% Total Withanolides by HPLC
$89.99 USD $94.00 USD
Supports healthy heart & circulatory functions Alkaloid present helps as stimulant to heart muscles & pumping. Lab tested for quality, Non-GMO, vegan & gluten free The Ashwagandha Extract is known to act as a cyclooxygenase inhibitor that decreases inflammation and pain, useful in joint problems. Ashwagandha Standardised extract, with its anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, and anti-stress properties, is good for cardiovascular health problems. A study on Ashwagandha’s effects on the thyroid gland revealed that the root extract, if given on a daily basis, would increase the secretion of thyroid hormones. Traditionally, Ashwagandha had been administered to induce a soothing and calming effect on a person with reduced oxidative stress. The major biochemical constituents of Ashwaganda root extract capsules are steroidal alkaloids and steroidal lactones in a class of constituents called withanolides. Bixa’s Ashwagandha extract capsule is extracted from root and is standardized to 2.5% withanolides. The withanolides serve as an important hormone...
Supports healthy heart & circulatory functions Alkaloid present helps as stimulant to heart muscles & pumping. Lab tested for quality,...
Triphala (Amla + Haritaki + Bibhitak) dry Extract - 40% Tannins by Titration
$49.99 USD
Supports Colon Cleanse. Detoxification & as antioxidant Supports Low Cholesterol Level. Helpful as harmless purgative and in removing toxins from body. Helpful in preventing premature degradation of cells. Has Bio-flavonoids & Tanins which is helpful as Anti-oxidants. Triphala Extracts helps to approach weight loss in a different way; rather than focusing on eating less and exercising more, Triphala works to cleanse the digestive system and promote healthy nutritional uptake. The more capable your body is at absorbing nutrients from the food you eat, the less your body will indicate hunger and compel you to eat. As per Scientific Study Triphala Extract is rich in vitamin C, which is a boon to the immune system and a potent antioxidant. Triphala extract is also rich in tanins, bioflavonoids, phyto chemicals which are reported to speed healing in certain cases & detoxify body. Due to these compounds, Triphala Extract is said to be...
Supports Colon Cleanse. Detoxification & as antioxidant Supports Low Cholesterol Level. Helpful as harmless purgative and in removing toxins from...
Moringa (Moringa oleifera) dry Extract - 30% Saponins by Gravimetry
$89.99 USD
Useful For Joint pain & General Nutrition Supports removal of blockages in blood and normal heart circulation. It helps to improve digestion and absorption of nutrition from food. Contains Anti-oxidants, essential nutrients & is useful for blood circulation. Lab tested for quality, Non-GMO, vegan & gluten free Packing Type : 25 kg Carton / Drum The Scientific results indicate that extract of Moringa possesses antioxidants, Alkaloids which supports as hypo-lipidaemic and anti-atherosclerotic action and said to have therapeutic potential for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Studies suggest that Moringa leaf extract contains Carbohydrates, proteins in moderate quantity which helps it to become daily dietary supplement suitable for all ages. Moringa leaf extract contains adequate Iron & Calcium which helps for cellular growth, tissue regeneration, and bone health. Dry Moringa oleifera leaf extract is rich in flavonoids and alkaloids, which supports anti-inflammatory, antihistamine and antioxidant properties.
Useful For Joint pain & General Nutrition Supports removal of blockages in blood and normal heart circulation. It helps to...
Cissus dry Extract - 2.5% 3-Keto steroids by Gravimetry
$59.99 USD
Supports General Bone & Cartilage Health Useful for faster Bone healing and as Bone tonic. Supports blood clotting, healing ulcer & as anti-inflammation Lab tested for quality, Non-GMO, vegan & gluten free Packing Type : 25 kg Carton / Drum Cissus quadrangularis Extract contains a range of carotenoids, triterpenoids, vitamins, 3-keto steroids and minerals. The Hadjod Extract may help to prevent the degradation of bone matter, stimulates the production of osteoblasts, which are the cells in the body responsible for growing bone or fractured bone. The Hadjod extract is rich in Vitamin C which is a crucial componant of Collagen, useful for tissue healing and growth. Study shows that Cissus quadrangularis extract taken regularly with a healthy diet and exercise plan, can suppress appetite, burn fat & help promote weight loss.
Supports General Bone & Cartilage Health Useful for faster Bone healing and as Bone tonic. Supports blood clotting, healing ulcer...
Caralluma Fimbriata 30% Pregnane Glycosides by Gravimetry
$59.00 USD $65.00 USD
Supports Appetite Suppression & Fat Metabolism Supports to reduce appetite & food craving Helpful in reducing Lipid & Carbs and prevention of fat deposition Nowadays the extract derived from the plant is used to decrease appetite for weight loss. It is also used to quench thirst and to increase endurance. Although not fully characterized, Caralluma fimbriata is believed to work via active bio molecules called “pregnane glycosides” that may down-regulate both ghrelin synthesis in the stomach and neuropeptide-Y in the hypothalamus, thereby resulting in appetite suppression.
Supports Appetite Suppression & Fat Metabolism Supports to reduce appetite & food craving Helpful in reducing Lipid & Carbs and...
Bacopa Extract 20% Bacosides  by UV
$74.99 USD
20% Bacosides by UV Enhancing cognitive performance Protect the nervous system Boost antioxidant defenses in the brain Packing Type : 25 kg Carton / Drum  Brahmi Or Bacopa is a perennial, creeping herb native to the wetlands of southern and Eastern India, Australia, Europe, Africa, Asia, and North and South America. Bacopa is a medicinal herb used in Ayurveda, where it is also known as "Brahmi", after Brahmā, the creator God of the Hindu pantheon. Bacopa monnieri was initially described around the 6th century A.D. in texts such as the Charaka Samhita, Atharva-Veda, and Susrut Samhita as a medhya rasayana (Brain Rejuvenator)–class herb taken to sharpen intellect and attenuate mental deficits. The herb was allegedly used by ancient Vedic scholars to memorize lengthy sacred hymns and scriptures. From Ancient time Brahmi/ Bacopa is used as Nervine and cardiac tonic, which soothes the nerve impulses and heart muscles. It promotes good concentration and memory booster activity in all...
20% Bacosides by UV Enhancing cognitive performance Protect the nervous system Boost antioxidant defenses in the brain Packing Type : 25...
Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) Dry Extract Herb - 2.5% Total Withanolides by Gravimetry
$49.99 USD
Supports healthy heart & circulatory functions Alkaloid present helps as stimulant to heart muscles & pumping. Lab tested for quality, Non-GMO, vegan & gluten free The Ashwagandha Extract is known to act as a cyclooxygenase inhibitor that decreases inflammation and pain, useful in joint problems. Ashwagandha Standardised extract, with its anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, and anti-stress properties, is good for cardiovascular health problems. A study on Ashwagandha’s effects on the thyroid gland revealed that the root extract, if given on a daily basis, would increase the secretion of thyroid hormones. Traditionally, Ashwagandha had been administered to induce a soothing and calming effect on a person with reduced oxidative stress. The major biochemical constituents of Ashwaganda root extract capsules are steroidal alkaloids and steroidal lactones in a class of constituents called withanolides. Bixa’s Ashwagandha extract capsule is extracted from root and is standardized to 2.5% withanolides. The withanolides serve as an important hormone...
Supports healthy heart & circulatory functions Alkaloid present helps as stimulant to heart muscles & pumping. Lab tested for quality,...
Tribulus (Tribulus Terresteris) Extract - 40% Saponins by Gravimetry
$59.99 USD
Supports Genito-Urinary Health & Muscle build Useful for cleansing bladder & increasing urinary output. Useful for increasing Stamina and in sexual weakness. Useful in reducing heart and whole body swelling. Steroidal Saponin is helpful as Muscles strengthener & supports libido levels. Recent scientific study has confirmed presence of Steroidal Saponins in Tribulus or Gokhsur Extract which helps to build muscles & other tissues. Study also shows presence of phytosterols especially beta-sitosterols that act on various problems associated with prostrate, urinary and cardio-vascular system. Tribulus is given with other herbs as anabolic tonic to gain muscle strength and overall energy level. Gokshur Extract helps to increase libido and gain strength & energy to enhance sexual power in male & female. Caltrops or Tribulus Extract helps to clear obstacles in urinary tract, cleans it & helps to remove infection, kidney stones. Regular intake of Gokhru Exract is found beneficial to reduce serum...
Supports Genito-Urinary Health & Muscle build Useful for cleansing bladder & increasing urinary output. Useful for increasing Stamina and in...
Andrographis / Kalmegh (Andrographis paniculata) Dry Extract - 10% Total Andrographolide by HPLC
$99.99 USD
Supports as Natural Liver Tonic It contains Bitters useful to increase immunity against various infections Supports as removal of toxins and purification of liver tissues Andrographolide present is useful as anti-inflammation and to reduce bodyache Supports Low Blood glucose & Blood purifications. Kalmegh Extract is especially useful in treating liver related diseases. Kalmegh exhibits hepato-protective and hepato-stimulative property. In traditional medicine system aqueous extract of Kalmegh is given for pacifying symptoms aroused by jaundice. Kalmegh Extract is bitter in taste which helps to digest the food & prevents formation of flatulency & toxic waste in the body. It activates detoxifying function of Liver & helps in cleansing Liver cells. Kalmegh Extract has also shown blood cleansing & skin purifying properties. Kalmegh or Andrographis Extract when used with other herbal anti-oxidants like Amla Extract helps to eliminate free harmful radicles and regenerate Liver cells. Scientific Study of Kalmegh or Andrographis Extract...
Supports as Natural Liver Tonic It contains Bitters useful to increase immunity against various infections Supports as removal of toxins...
Terminalia Arjuna P.E.30%
$49.99 USD
Supports healthy heart & circulatory functions Alkaloid present helps as stimulant to heart muscles & pumping. Tanins present has astringent action which helps to heal ulcers. Helps to regulate bad cholesterol and clear heart blockages. Packing Type : 25 kg Carton / Drum As per scientific study Arjun bark extract powder is rich in Tanins, saponnins, natural anti-oxidants (flavonoids) gallic acid, ellagic acid, proanthocyanidins, phytosterols, and minerals including calcium, magnesium, zinc and copper. Regular use of Arjun Extract capsules improves the pumping activity of heart, improves cardiac muscle strength, helps healing of ulcers. Arjun Extract capsules are believed to have ability to suppress the blood’s absorption of lipids which indicates that it has cholesterol-regulating properties. Arjun Extract induces a drug-dependent decrease in blood pressure and heart rate. Arjun Extract enhances prostaglandins and lowers risk of coronary heart trouble. Intake of Arjun Extract capsules with other medicines may help to relieve...
Supports healthy heart & circulatory functions Alkaloid present helps as stimulant to heart muscles & pumping. Tanins present has astringent...
Gymnema (Gymnema sylvestre) dry Extract - 25% Gymnemic acid by Gravimetry
$74.99 USD
Supports Normal blood sugar levels It helps as a Digestive Stimulant & may help to delay absorption of sugar from food. Supports healthy pancreatic functions Contains Gymnemic acids which helps to stimulate Insulin. Lab tested for quality, Non-GMO, vegan & gluten free Scientific studies of Gymnema leaf Extract has shown presence of triterpene saponins, like Gymnemic acids in majority. The ability of gymnemic acids is to delay the glucose absorption in the blood. The atomic arrangement of gymnemic acid molecules is similar to that of glucose molecules. These molecules fill the receptor locations on the taste buds thereby preventing its activation by sugar molecules present in the food, thereby curbing the sugar craving. Similarly, Gymnemic acid molecules also fill the receptor location in the absorptive external layers of the intestine thereby preventing the sugar molecules absorption by the intestine, which results in low blood sugar level. When Gymnema leaf extract...
Supports Normal blood sugar levels It helps as a Digestive Stimulant & may help to delay absorption of sugar from...
Green Coffee Bean CGA 50% HPLC
$119.99 USD
Supports Fat metabolism Supports Appetite Suppression & weight management Supports as Immunity Booster and Anti-oxidant Supports Low Lipid Levels & healthy Blood Circulation Researchers have found the presence of a very active and powerful aspirin-like ingredient in green coffee beans that imposes a positive impact on our blood vessels by preventing platelets from getting clustered. As a result, our arteries don’t get hardened and the circulation of blood throughout our body is improved to a great extent. The Green coffee extract also helps to reduce bad low density cholesterol & triglycerides thus keeping fatal cardio-vascular diseases at bay. The Chlorogenic Acid present in Green coffee bean Extract is also known as a metabolism booster. It increases the Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) of our body to a great extent, which minimizes excessive release of glucose from the liver into blood. Due to the lack of glucose, our body starts burning the...
Supports Fat metabolism Supports Appetite Suppression & weight management Supports as Immunity Booster and Anti-oxidant Supports Low Lipid Levels &...
Jamun dry Extract - 5% Bitters by Gravimetry
$59.99 USD
Supports Low Sugar Levels Promotes prevention of tissue & cells damage. Supports reduction of thirst and proper digestion. Contains Polyphenols which supports low blood Sugar & as Anti-oxidant. Packing Type : 25 kg Carton / Drum The Scientific study suggests presence of Bitters, tanins & alkaloids which help to prevent Oxidative stress at cellular levels and boost immunity against toxicity. In a recent study in CDRI, Lucknow, India, it has been found that the dried alcoholic extract of the seeds are good to reduce the level of blood sugar. A research work published in Phytotherapy Research in nov 1997 showed that Oral administration of extract of Jamun seed for 1 month resulted in an increase in the activity of hexokinase and a decrease in the activity of glucose-6-phosphatase in the liver of diabetic animals, hence Jamun Extract can be helpful to maintain healthy glucose level and prevent damage to tissues...
Supports Low Sugar Levels Promotes prevention of tissue & cells damage. Supports reduction of thirst and proper digestion. Contains Polyphenols...
Papaya leaf dry Extract  - 30% Saponnins by Gravimetry
$59.99 USD
Supports Digestive System Supports maintenance of Normal Blood Sugar Levels Helpful as an Immunity Booster & supports blood platelets health Helpful as an anti-oxidant agent and maintains good blood flow towards heart muscles Scientific studies of Papaya leaves shows presence of important nutrients such as vitamins A, B1, C and E, calories, protein, carbohydrates, calcium, phosphorus, iron for Vitality, increasing Immunity & platelets. The presence alkaloid, glycosidal saponin and enzyme called papain in papaya Leaf extract supports healthy blood circulation to heart muscles and aids in digestion by breaking down the proteins naturally.
Supports Digestive System Supports maintenance of Normal Blood Sugar Levels Helpful as an Immunity Booster & supports blood platelets health...
Ashwagandha root dry Extract - 2.5% Total Withanolides by Gravimetry
$119.99 USD $155.00 USD
Supports Immunity, Overall energy & good sleep Promotes reduction in stress level & improvement in sleep quality. Promotes relief in Joint Pain & Inflammation Lab tested for quality, Non-GMO, vegan & gluten free Pack: 25 kg Carton or Drum   Ashwagandha extract helps to provide strength to muscles & ligaments, energy to body for vigour & performance. Ashwagandha extract which has standardised 2.5% withanoloids has a soothing and calming effect on a person with reduced oxidative stress and good sleep 
Supports Immunity, Overall energy & good sleep Promotes reduction in stress level & improvement in sleep quality. Promotes relief in...
Bixa Herbal extracts are individual herbal standardised extracts with pre-decided lab confirmed
active principles. These Herbal extracts can be used alone (single active ingredients) or to make
required herbal formulations for various ailments. These Herbal extracts are available in easy,
convenient, hygienic bulk packaging and attractive reasonable packing.