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Bhringaraj Herb Powder Eclipta Alba
$18.99 USD $19.99 USD
Supports As Natural Hair Tonic External - promotes strengthening of hair follicles & hair growth External - promotes Scalp cooling & hair conditioning Internal - supports Healthy liver Function & Skin health Bhringaraj or maaka or Eclipta alba is an Ayurvedic herb found throughout India and the South-western U.S. Its name means “ruler of the hair” and so is considered to be the best Ayurvedic remedy for hair loss, premature greying and is also said to help make hair dark, dense and lustrous. Bhringaraj has also been used in Traditional Ayurveda as a rejuvenative tonic for the liver, for various skin conditions and as a tonic for the mind. Bhringaraj powder can be mixed in water with herbs like Henna, Amla, Shikakai, Tulsi and applied on hair in paste form. These herbs can also be incorporated into a coconut oil infusion and used as a conditioning oil treatment, which supports...
Supports As Natural Hair Tonic External - promotes strengthening of hair follicles & hair growth External - promotes Scalp cooling...
Calamus Root Powder  Acorus calamus
$12.49 USD $13.99 USD
Supports Stomach spasm relaxation Helps to promote relief from acidity & indigestion Supports healthy respiratory functions Externally - supports hair growth & healthy scalp Vekhand / Vacha/ Sweetflag [Botanical name – Acorus Calamus]is a Semi-aquatic strongly aromatic perennial, cultivated in damp marshy places in India & Burma, commonly in Manipur & Naga hills on the edges of lakes & streams. Acorus Calamus has been an item of trade in many cultures for thousands of years. Vekhand (roots/rhizomes) has been used medicinally for a wide variety of ailments, and its aroma makes calamus essential oil valued in the perfume industry.As per Ayurveda Vacha is pungent in taste, hot in potency & helps to suppress vitiated Vata. Ayurveda mentions that Vacha helps for emesis of toxins, clearing out toxins through urine & stools. Traditional uses mentions that Vekhand was routinely administered for flatulency, stomach fullness, abdominal pain and increasing appetite. Nowadays Vacha...
Supports Stomach spasm relaxation Helps to promote relief from acidity & indigestion Supports healthy respiratory functions Externally - supports hair...
Fenugreek Extract 40% Saponins 450mg Veg Capsules
$11.99 USD $14.99 USD
Supports Good Health Contains Saponins which helps in reducing High Cholesterol Level. Contains 4-hydroxy-isoleucine which helps to control sugar metabolism. Contains nutritional elements like Protein, aminoacids for Nutrition. Lab tested for quality, Non-GMO, vegan & gluten free Fenugreek or commonly known as Methi or Methika has botanical name as – Trigonella foenum graeceum. As per ayurveda fenugreek is Tiktarasam (Bitter), Ushna veerayam (Hot in potency), which helps to reduce Vata & kapha & stimulates appetite. Methi Seeds are mucilaginous, demulcent & due to its astringent action helps to stop loose motions. Fenugreek Seed when taken internally is supposed to be helpful as emmenagogue to women who suffer from low monthly menstrual flow. A Gruel like recipe prepared of Methi seeds helps to increase milk flow by stimulating milk ducts in post natal care after pregnancy.According to studies fenugreek or methi supports low cholesterol level naturally, especially that of the low...
Supports Good Health Contains Saponins which helps in reducing High Cholesterol Level. Contains 4-hydroxy-isoleucine which helps to control sugar metabolism....
Fenugreek Seed Powder  Trigonella foenum-graecum
$11.80 USD $13.00 USD
Supports General Good Health Contains Saponins which helps in reducing High Cholesterol Level. Contains 4-hydroxy-isoleucine which helps to control sugar metabolism. Contains nutritional elements like Protein, aminoacids which helps Nutrition. Supports healthy monthly periods cycle in women Fenugreek or commonly known as Methi or Methika has botanical name as – Trigonella foenum graeceum. As per ayurveda fenugreek is Tiktarasam (Bitter), Ushna veerayam (Hot in potency), which helps to reduce Vata & kapha & stimulates appetite. Methi Seeds are mucilaginous, demulcent & due to its astringent action helps to stop loose motions. Fenugreek Seed Extract powder when taken internally helps as emmenagogue to women who suffer from low monthly menstrual flow. A Gruel like recipe prepared of Methi seeds helps to increase milk flow by stimulating milk ducts in post natal care after pregnancy.According to studies fenugreek extract supports low cholesterol level naturally, especially that of the low density lipoprotein (LDL)....
Supports General Good Health Contains Saponins which helps in reducing High Cholesterol Level. Contains 4-hydroxy-isoleucine which helps to control sugar...
Hibiscus Flower Powder  Hibiscus Sabdariffa
$15.99 USD
Supports Natural Hair Health Supports overall Cooling and refrigerant response Helpful in inflammation of urinary & genital tract Externally very useful as Hair Tonic Hibiscus [Botanical Name - Hibiscus sabdariffa] also known as shoe flower/ Gudhal/ Jaswand are grown all over Indian continent in backyard and is considered Sacred used in daily Puja/Prayers. Hibiscus is used from ancient times & in Ayurveda it is used as Natural Hair Tonic. As per Ayurvedic texts Hibiscus or Gudhal powder when taken internally helps to pacify Kapha/ vata and has absorbent action. Externally Hibiscus powder is used as scalp paste with rose water, kept for 1-2 hours & washed with plain water. This supports hair follicles, decrease extra heat & prevent hair loss. Hibiscus powder also helps to colour the hair and growth of the hair follicles. Regular use of Hibiscus powder on hairs helps to conditioning & moisturizing it. Numerous Ayurvedic oils...
Supports Natural Hair Health Supports overall Cooling and refrigerant response Helpful in inflammation of urinary & genital tract Externally very...
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