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Lavender Flower Powder  Lavandula augustifolia
$16.49 USD
Supports Nervine & Carminative properties Herbal infusion supports as antioxidant Herbal infusion supports low stress & sound sleep Essentail oil present supports as pain reducing natural herb Lavender [Botanical Name - Lavandula augustifolia] is reported by most sources to be native to southern Europe and the Mediterranean region, tropical areas of Africa, southern India, and the area around modern day Iraq. Today lavender is grown in herb gardens throughout the world and is commercially grown in Europe, Australia, Russia, and America. The name ""lavender"" is often said to come from the Latin word ""lavare"" meaning ""to wash"" because the Romans were known to use it in their baths. Lavender and its enriching essential oil have its roots deeply vested in the historic healing of human beings. Lavender has been in use for more than 2500 years for it therapeutic, culinary and for beauty benefits in the cosmetic and personal hygiene...
Supports Nervine & Carminative properties Herbal infusion supports as antioxidant Herbal infusion supports low stress & sound sleep Essentail oil...
Mucuna Pruriens 15% L-Dopa Extract 450mg Veg Capsules
$11.99 USD $15.89 USD
Supports as Nervine Tonic. It Contains L-Dopa which helps to resolve neurological problems. It helps as general tonic and muscle builder. Supports as Anti-oxidant to protect cellular tissues of brain. Lab tested for quality, Non-GMO, vegan & gluten free Mucuna commonly known as Kavacha/ Kaunch beej (Botanical name- Mucuna pruriens) is a tropical legume native to Africa and tropical Asia and widely naturalized and cultivated. Its English common names include velvet bean, cowage, cowitch. The plant is notorious for the extreme itchiness it produces on contact, particularly with the young foliage and the seed pods. Mucuna or Kavacha is well known by two Sanskrit names, Kapikacchu, which means "one starts itching like a monkey" and Atmagupta, which means "secret self," and hints at the therapeutic value of the seed concealed within the allergenic seedpod.In Ayurveda, Mucuna is used from ancient times for various neurological & general debility problems. Mucuna is...
Supports as Nervine Tonic. It Contains L-Dopa which helps to resolve neurological problems. It helps as general tonic and muscle...
Mucuna Seed Powder Mucuna Pruriens
$12.49 USD $14.99 USD
Supports as Nervine Tonic It Contains L-Dopa which promotes to resolve neurological problems Supports as general tonic and as muscle fiber builder Supports as Anti-oxidant to protect cellular tissues of brain Mucuna commonly known as Kavacha/ Kaunch beej (Botanical name- Mucuna pruriens) is a tropical legume native to Africa and tropical Asia and widely naturalized and cultivated. Its English common names include velvet bean, cowage, cowitch. The plant is notorious for the extreme itchiness it produces on contact, particularly with the young foliage and the seed pods. Mucuna or Kavacha is well known by two Sanskrit names, Kapikacchu, which means ""one starts itching like a monkey"" and Atmagupta, which means ""secret self,"" and hints at the therapeutic value of the seed concealed within the allergenic seedpod.In Ayurveda, Mucuna is used from ancient times for various neurological & general debility problems. Mucuna is used in dysfunction of all 3 dosha’s, viz...
Supports as Nervine Tonic It Contains L-Dopa which promotes to resolve neurological problems Supports as general tonic and as muscle...
Pellitory Root Powder  Anacyclus pyrethrum
$17.50 USD $25.00 USD
Supports healthy nervine functions Supports Strength, Stamina & Healthy Libido & Performance Improves testosterone level, sperm count in male  Supports Oral Salivary & Dental health Helps to promote brain functions Supports analgesic response in joint pains Akarkara/ Pellitory [Botanical name: Anacyclus pyrethrum] is a perennial herb much like chamomile in habitat and appearance. Pellitory is found in North Africa, elsewhere in the Mediterranean region, in the Himalayas, in North India, and in Arabian countries. Ayurveda (the ancient & authentic Indian medicine system) and Siddha (the medicine system from Tamil Nadu, a southern state of India) have mentioned medical uses for this plant root and is called Akkal-Kara in Hindi, Akkal Kadha in Marathi. Shodhal Nighantu (Gada nigrah), An authentic Ayurvedic text, has described firstly Akarkara as one of the potent tonic which supports healthy reproductive as well as Nervine system. Akarkara offers a one-shot traditional remedy for boosting libido and improving...
Supports healthy nervine functions Supports Strength, Stamina & Healthy Libido & Performance Improves testosterone level, sperm count in male  Supports Oral...
Shankhapushpi Herb Powder Convolvulus pluricaulis
$13.00 USD $13.49 USD
Supports as Memory Booster & Mental alertness Supports low stress level and to reduce hyperactiveness Promotes general Intelligence & mind creativity Supports as Brain cells & nerve tonic Shankhapushpi [Bot name - Convolvulus pluricaulis] - is a perennial herb that seems like morning glory. As per ancient wisdom -Shankhapushpi or shankhavali is believed to be the only herb that is capable of enhancing all the aspects related to brain power, such as learning, memory and the ability to recall. However, shankhapushpi popularity stems from its ability to treat insomnia effectively. Clinical studies have exhibited demonstrable beneficial effects in the patients of anxiety neurosis. The herb induces a feeling of calm and peace, good sleep and a relief in anxiety, stresses, and mental fatigue, producing a significant reduction in the level of anxiety, neuroticism arising due to various levels of stresses. Shankhapushpi appears to produce its action by modulation of neuro-chemistry...
Supports as Memory Booster & Mental alertness Supports low stress level and to reduce hyperactiveness Promotes general Intelligence & mind...
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