Deal Of The Day
$13.99 USD
$14.99 USD
Supports Laxative & Intestinal Purgation response Promotes improvement of Bowel/gut motility, removal of unwanted/undigested materials & clearance of the blockages Supports elimination of foul smelling & toxic fluid content from stomach tissues Indian Senna also known as Sonamukhi (Botanical name – Cassia angustifolia) is an annual leguminous herb cultivated extensively in the southern parts of the country for its pods and leaves which are used in Ayurveda as well as in modern system of medicines.Senna leaves is generally used for its laxative properties. In scientific study of Senna, anthraquinones, sennosides, numerous minor sennosides have been identified, and all appear to contribute to the laxative effect. These compounds work as a laxative by smoothing & relaxing the tissues, as digested food moves through the intestines. It helps to eliminate Vitiated & putrefied Pitta through motion and gives relief in fever caused by excessive Pitta. Senna supports reduction of ascitis (fluid accumulation...
Supports Laxative & Intestinal Purgation response Promotes improvement of Bowel/gut motility, removal of unwanted/undigested materials & clearance of the blockages...
$14.99 USD
$13.99 USD
Promotes Vigour & Vitality Supports enhancement of physical strength and healthy muscle power Supports Natural, Healthy libido & overall energy level Promotes healthy Male Reproductive System functions Safed Musli is decorticated rhizome or tuberous root of Chlorophytum borivilianum plant, they are dried and powdered. In Ayurveda it is mentioned as bitter in taste, heavy to digest. Safed musli is useful to pacify vitiated Vata and has body nourishing properties. Safed Musli powder has adequate fibres which help to clear bowel & reduce inflammation of internal piles. In Ayurveda Safed Musli is considered to be one of the best Rejuvenating tonic for all. Safed Musli is also gaining increasing acceptance as a Natural Vitalizer and health-giving tonic, a curative for pre-natal and post-natal problems, a restorative for immunity-improvement and as a useful adjuvant remedy for diabetes and arthritis. The recent discovery of Safed Musli as a natural and safe aphrodisiac agent...
Promotes Vigour & Vitality Supports enhancement of physical strength and healthy muscle power Supports Natural, Healthy libido & overall energy...
$18.99 USD
$21.99 USD
Supports testesterone & overall energy boost Contains Natural Glycoprotein which supports libido & male performance Supports fever reducing response Supports immunity and healthy metabolic functions Tongkat ali [botanical name - Eurycoma longifolia] is a shrub native to Southeast Asia. In Indonesia it is known as pasak bumi; in Malaysia as tongkat ali and in Thailand cay ba binh. Tongkat ali and longjack are the most commonly used names for the herb in the Western world.Tongkat Ali is probably best known for enhancing sexual vitality, but this remarkable herb provides broad adaptogenic and balancing properties for both women and men. The list of traditional uses is long and includes promoting general vitality with aging, enhancing strength, muscle mass and bone mass, supporting balanced mood, strengthening stress tolerance, and supporting energy and general health. Tongkat ali supports immunity and fever reducing actions. Recent World wide scientific studies in both laboratory animals and...
Supports testesterone & overall energy boost Contains Natural Glycoprotein which supports libido & male performance Supports fever reducing response Supports...
$19.99 USD
$21.99 USD
Supports Fat Metabolism Supports Appetite Suppression & weight management Supports as Immunity Booster and Anti-oxidant Supports Low Lipid Levels & healthy Blood Circulation Green Coffee Extract is obtained from unroasted green coffee bean of plant Coffea Robusta. While roasting the chemical composition of Coffee bean get altered or diminished, hence unroasted green beans are used for extraction. Green coffee bean extracts are rich in antioxidants, which helps to reduce the damaging effects of free radicals in our body and take care of our overall health including improving Immunity. Regular use of Green coffee bean can help to promote energy and stamina. A number of studies have confirmed that raw and unprocessed green coffee beans possess natural, pure Chlorogenic Acid (CGA), which is basically an ester of caffeic acid having strong antioxidant properties. Studies suggest that Green coffee can put a check on the levels of glucose in our bloodstream. Green...
Supports Fat Metabolism Supports Appetite Suppression & weight management Supports as Immunity Booster and Anti-oxidant Supports Low Lipid Levels &...
$13.00 USD
$14.99 USD
Promotes Urinary output Naturally Promotes adequate urinary output & reduction of water retention in body Supports healthy function of Kidney, Heart and Liver Supports healthy digestion and haemoglobin levels Punarnava Or Hogweed (Latin name: Boerhaavia diffusa) is rightly called as Shothagni in Sanskrit (which means Oedema reducer). In Ayurveda Punarnava is first line of treatment as Diuretic for whole body oedema due to various reasons. Literally meaning ""the one that renews"", Punarnava is well known in Ayurveda for its health promoting qualities. Hogweed is one of the best herbs for balancing and rejuvenating kapha and is an ingredient in most traditional kapha-reducing formulas. Punarnava is mentioned to have positive effect on Vitiated kapha, pitta dosha’s (Humors of body) and on blood disorders.Scientific study has presence of Nitrates of Potassium & alkaloids, which targets & improves glomeruler filtration rate of Kidney. Punarnava is helpful to remove extra fluids accumulated in stomach...
Promotes Urinary output Naturally Promotes adequate urinary output & reduction of water retention in body Supports healthy function of Kidney,...
$13.49 USD
$17.99 USD
Supports as natural coloring agent Supports skin health and detoxification Supports wound healing & itching lowering response Supports antioxidant response to save cell damage Ratanjot [Botanical name - Alkanna tinctoria], the dyer's alkanet or alkanet, is an herb in the borage family, is native to the Mediterranean region. Ratanjot main notability is its roots are used as a red dye. The plant has a dark red root of blackish appearance externally, but blue-red inside, with a whitish core. The root produces a fine red colouring material, which has been used as a dye in the Mediterranean region since antiquity. Alkanet, or popularly known as alkane has several similar names such as dyer’s bugloss or Spanish bugloss.Alkanet root is found quite large and thick with reddish color. Alkanet root is primarily used as a natural dyeing agent, and helps to impart a ruby red color to natural lip balm, lipstick,lotion,etc. Beyond...
Supports as natural coloring agent Supports skin health and detoxification Supports wound healing & itching lowering response Supports antioxidant response...
$13.00 USD
$14.99 USD
Supports Healthy Brain function Supports as sensory organ tonic especially for speech disability Contains Tri-terpenes helpful to improve overall health and longevity Saponins helps to improve fluid circulation & prevent Joint inflammation. Centella asiatica (Botanical Name) is also known as Brahma-manduki, Mandukaparni in Sanskrit and nowadays it is commonly known as Gotu Kola. For medicinal purpose the leaves of the plant or whole plant is also used. Mandukaparni or Gotu kola is a soft herb found all over India near marshy areas up to 600 meters. Its leaves have shape and appearance like a webbed feet of frog (In Sanskrit Mandook means frog, and Parni means leaf). Ayurveda mentions Gotu kola uses as Brahmi Herb (Bacopa) especially helps for treating brain disorders, skin diseases, neural disorders and insomnia due to its adaptogen property, central nervous system relaxant, sedative, detoxifier, blood-purifier, laxative, diuretic, emmenagogue properties. Ayurveda mentions that regular intake of...
Supports Healthy Brain function Supports as sensory organ tonic especially for speech disability Contains Tri-terpenes helpful to improve overall health...
$12.49 USD
$14.00 USD
Natural alternative to sugar Helps to Maintain Normal Blood Sugar & Pressure Levels Supports Anti-oxidant function Stevia is a Low calorie, Natural alternative sweetener and is the best healthy sugar substitute that is extracted from the leaves of Stevia plant called STEVIA REBAUDIANA. Stevia contains the most active compound, known as Steviol Glycosides, that contains 150 times more sweetness than sugar. Stevia Rebaudiana has been used for many years by Gaurani people in South America and they called Stevia as a Sweet Herb. The leaves of Stevia are also in the use for hundreds of years in Brazil and Paraguay to sweeten the tea and medicine while Japan is also using Stevia as a sweetener for decades because, in 1899, scientists firstly described Stevia as a sweetener.Stevia contains 2 main sweet compounds-Stevioside and Rebaudioside, which produces lingering sweet taste. Stevia currently is being accepted worldwide, like by the European Food...
Natural alternative to sugar Helps to Maintain Normal Blood Sugar & Pressure Levels Supports Anti-oxidant function Stevia is a Low...
$11.99 USD
$22.99 USD
Supports anti-inflammatory response, as antioxidant & healthy immunity
Supports healthy Immunity & in recurrent respiratory infections.
Supports as Anti-oxidant & anti-inflammation in Joints
Promotes Blood purification and wounds & ulcer healing
Lab tested for quality, Non-GMO, vegan & gluten free
Turmeric or Haldi extract is rich in useful components such as Curcuminoids, which helps our body fight various infections effectively. The Curcuminoids helps to reduce C-reactive protein circulating in blood & produce anti-bodies to fight various bacterial infections. Curcuminoids also helps to prevent free radical damage as anti-oxidant agent & as anti-inflammation agent in joint pains. The Haldi Organic Powder is best remedy mentioned in Ayurvedic Texts for allergy, skin problems (also good for Skin health), blood purification & various respiratory problems. Organic Kalimiri powder (Black pepper) is good for reducing phlegm from throat region, increase bio-availability of Turmeric powder/extract through the human body & increase its efficacy.
Supports anti-inflammatory response, as antioxidant & healthy immunity Supports healthy Immunity & in recurrent respiratory infections. Supports as Anti-oxidant &...
$11.99 USD
$15.99 USD
Supports Low Blood Sugar & as Antioxidant Supports maintenance of insulin output & its proper function. Supports prevention of diabetic complications & resulting organ damage. Promotes as antioxidant & high energy level. Scientific study has shown that Gudmar or Gymnema Herb extract contains Gymnemic acids which help to reduce absorption of glucose molecules from intestinal lining and improve insulin secretion from the pancreas. These pharmacological actions reduce blood glucose level and maintain lower Glycosylated Haemoglobin level.Methi, Daruharidra & Amala extracts are helpful as digestive, anti-oxidant, lowering Lipid content in Arteries and as general tonic. Methi Extract studies especially has shown presence of 4-hydroxyisoleucine which helps to promote blood flow to heart muscles and decelerate glucose molecule absorption in blood. Bilva extract is helpful as Intestinal cleanser & improves functional properties of pancreatic cells, which in turn reduces blood sugar level.Guduchi, Neem extract help to improve or modulate the immunity, cleanse...
Supports Low Blood Sugar & as Antioxidant Supports maintenance of insulin output & its proper function. Supports prevention of diabetic...
$11.99 USD
$13.99 USD
Supports Strength, Stamina & Healthy Libido Helpful as Natural General Tonic & Rejuvenator. Helpful to normalise blood sugar levels Contains Fulvic acid, helpful to absorb Vitamins & Nutrients Lab tested for quality, Non-GMO, vegan & gluten free Shilajit Extract Capsule (Asphaltum) is as per Ayurvedic science, exudates from Rocky Mountains especially Himalayas, very Useful to Increase Vigour, Vitality, Stamina & Strength. As Rocky Mountains along with minerals get overheated by consistent Sunrays, multiple minerals liquefy and exudates like resins or gums from plants, it is collected and purified.This exudate is also known as Shilajeet or Shilajatu or Mineral pitch and usually exudates from Himalayan Range of Mountains (Between India & Nepal) is collected. An ancient authentic Ayurvedic text, called the Charaka Samhita, states that there is no curable disease in the universe, which is not effectively cured by Purified Shilajit when it is administered at the appropriate time. In Sanskrit...
Supports Strength, Stamina & Healthy Libido Helpful as Natural General Tonic & Rejuvenator. Helpful to normalise blood sugar levels Contains...
$12.00 USD
$13.99 USD
Supports Immunity, Overall energy & good sleep Promotes reduction in stress level & improvement in sleep quality. Promotes relief in Joint Pain & Inflammation Supports healthy reproductive system Lab tested for quality, Non-GMO, vegan & gluten free Ashwagandha/ Asvagandha/ Asgandha (Botanical Name: Withania Somnifera) is referred as Indian ginseng, helps to provide natural source of energy and promote muscle strength. Ashwagandha has been used by Ayurveda for thousands of years as rasāyana (rejuvenation) and helps as a natural adaptive agent. Ashwagandha supports as a physiological and psychological Natural Stress-relief agent. In Sanskrit, it is known by the name Ashwagandha, which means the odor of a horse. It is named so because of the odor of horse sweat that the roots seem to emanate, as well as the virility of a horse, an inference to the traditional use of ashwagandha to support a healthy male reproductive system.Ashwagandha, as per Ayurveda,...
Supports Immunity, Overall energy & good sleep Promotes reduction in stress level & improvement in sleep quality. Promotes relief in...
$11.61 USD
$15.49 USD
Supports as Natural Liver Tonic. It contains Bitters useful to increase immunity against various infections Useful to digest toxins and purify liver tissues Andrographolide present is useful as anti-inflammation and to reduce bodyache Lab tested for quality, Non-GMO, vegan & gluten free Kalmegh Or Andrographis Paniculata is a very important medicinal plant of traditional medicine system. Kalmegh is found growing wild throughout the plains and hills of tropical India, from Uttar Pradesh to Kerala, and also in Bangladesh, Pakistan and all South East Asian countries. All part of plant is extremely bitter due to which plant is known as “King of bitter”. This plant is called Hempedu Bumi (meaning bile of earth) in Malaysia. In Ayurveda Kalmegh is used in various ailments related vitiated Pitta/ Kapha in Liver, Skin and Intestine. As per Ayurvedic principle excess Pitta cause disturbance in liver enzymes, which leads to inflammation in cells & thus...
Supports as Natural Liver Tonic. It contains Bitters useful to increase immunity against various infections Useful to digest toxins and...
$13.00 USD
$14.49 USD
Supports healthy bowel functions Supports digestive fire & controlling loose motions Supports Low sugar absorption in Intestine Supports antiinflammation response of bowel linings Bilva / Bael/ Bilvam or Bengal quince or wood apple [Botanical Name - Aegle marmelos] is native across the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia, and is cultivated throughout Sri Lanka, Thailand and Malaysia. Bael is a deciduous shrub or small to medium-sized tree, up to 13m tall with slender drooping branches and rather shabby crown. Bilva herb has great medicinal, spiritual and religious significance. Its fruits and leaves are considered sacred and used as offerings to the Hindu Gods like Lord Shiva. This is why it is also known as ""Shiva druma"" or the tree of Shiva in ancient scriptures. The full grown fruit of wood apple, when it just begins to ripen, rind of the fruit, leaves; root bark is used in medicinal preparations. Bilva fruit...
Supports healthy bowel functions Supports digestive fire & controlling loose motions Supports Low sugar absorption in Intestine Supports antiinflammation response...
$26.00 USD
$28.98 USD
Supports as Natural Liver Tonic Supports as removal of toxins and purification of liver tissues Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties helps to protect the liver from damage Help to reduce liver enzymes Improves Immunity Kalmegh (Andrographis paniculata) and Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia) are both herbs that are commonly used in Ayurvedic medicine for liver health. Kalmegh is known for its liver-protective properties and is traditionally used to treat liver disorders such as jaundice, hepatitis, and cirrhosis. It is believed to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects that can help to protect the liver from damage. Giloy, also known as "Amrita" in Ayurveda, is traditionally used as a natural remedy for liver and kidney health. Studies have shown that Giloy can help to reduce liver enzymes, which is a sign of liver damage, and may also help to improve the functioning of the liver and to boost the general immunity. Dosage : Mix half teaspoon...
Supports as Natural Liver Tonic Supports as removal of toxins and purification of liver tissues Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties helps...
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