Hair Wellness
$12.49 USD
$13.99 USD
Supports Stomach spasm relaxation Helps to promote relief from acidity & indigestion Supports healthy respiratory functions Externally - supports hair growth & healthy scalp Vekhand / Vacha/ Sweetflag [Botanical name – Acorus Calamus]is a Semi-aquatic strongly aromatic perennial, cultivated in damp marshy places in India & Burma, commonly in Manipur & Naga hills on the edges of lakes & streams. Acorus Calamus has been an item of trade in many cultures for thousands of years. Vekhand (roots/rhizomes) has been used medicinally for a wide variety of ailments, and its aroma makes calamus essential oil valued in the perfume industry.As per Ayurveda Vacha is pungent in taste, hot in potency & helps to suppress vitiated Vata. Ayurveda mentions that Vacha helps for emesis of toxins, clearing out toxins through urine & stools. Traditional uses mentions that Vekhand was routinely administered for flatulency, stomach fullness, abdominal pain and increasing appetite. Nowadays Vacha...
Supports Stomach spasm relaxation Helps to promote relief from acidity & indigestion Supports healthy respiratory functions Externally - supports hair...
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Bixa Hair wellness helps to prevent uncontrolled hair loss, detoxify & strengthen hair follicles and
provide natural glow. Hair follicles are nourished by use of natural proteins
and minerals like calcium from healthy food.
Ayurveda mentions use hibiscus, bhringaraj, calamus, methi as herbs for
betterment of hairs and regular coconut oil massage over scalp.