Hair Wellness
$11.80 USD
$13.00 USD
Supports General Good Health Contains Saponins which helps in reducing High Cholesterol Level. Contains 4-hydroxy-isoleucine which helps to control sugar metabolism. Contains nutritional elements like Protein, aminoacids which helps Nutrition. Supports healthy monthly periods cycle in women Fenugreek or commonly known as Methi or Methika has botanical name as – Trigonella foenum graeceum. As per ayurveda fenugreek is Tiktarasam (Bitter), Ushna veerayam (Hot in potency), which helps to reduce Vata & kapha & stimulates appetite. Methi Seeds are mucilaginous, demulcent & due to its astringent action helps to stop loose motions. Fenugreek Seed Extract powder when taken internally helps as emmenagogue to women who suffer from low monthly menstrual flow. A Gruel like recipe prepared of Methi seeds helps to increase milk flow by stimulating milk ducts in post natal care after pregnancy.According to studies fenugreek extract supports low cholesterol level naturally, especially that of the low density lipoprotein (LDL)....
Supports General Good Health Contains Saponins which helps in reducing High Cholesterol Level. Contains 4-hydroxy-isoleucine which helps to control sugar...
$11.99 USD
$14.99 USD
Supports Good Health Contains Saponins which helps in reducing High Cholesterol Level. Contains 4-hydroxy-isoleucine which helps to control sugar metabolism. Contains nutritional elements like Protein, aminoacids for Nutrition. Lab tested for quality, Non-GMO, vegan & gluten free Fenugreek or commonly known as Methi or Methika has botanical name as – Trigonella foenum graeceum. As per ayurveda fenugreek is Tiktarasam (Bitter), Ushna veerayam (Hot in potency), which helps to reduce Vata & kapha & stimulates appetite. Methi Seeds are mucilaginous, demulcent & due to its astringent action helps to stop loose motions. Fenugreek Seed when taken internally is supposed to be helpful as emmenagogue to women who suffer from low monthly menstrual flow. A Gruel like recipe prepared of Methi seeds helps to increase milk flow by stimulating milk ducts in post natal care after pregnancy.According to studies fenugreek or methi supports low cholesterol level naturally, especially that of the low...
Supports Good Health Contains Saponins which helps in reducing High Cholesterol Level. Contains 4-hydroxy-isoleucine which helps to control sugar metabolism....
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Bixa Hair wellness helps to prevent uncontrolled hair loss, detoxify & strengthen hair follicles and
provide natural glow. Hair follicles are nourished by use of natural proteins
and minerals like calcium from healthy food.
Ayurveda mentions use hibiscus, bhringaraj, calamus, methi as herbs for
betterment of hairs and regular coconut oil massage over scalp.