One Kg and Above

One Kg and Above

One Kg and Above
Alfalfa Herb Powder Medicago Sativa
$13.49 USD
Supports as Anti-oxidant & for Nutrition Supports lowering of Joint inflammation & pain sensation Saponins present helps to reduce Cholesterol and Lipids in blood circulation Manganese present helps to reduce Blood sugar level Alfalfa, also called Lucerne, Guniea grass, Lasunghas or Vilayatigawat (Bot name : Medicago sativa) is an important forage crop in many countries throughout the world. Alfalfa belongs to the plant family Leguminosae, also known as Fabaceae and like all legumes; it has the ability to fix nitrogen from the air. As a result, alfalfa is incredibly high in protein. Beyond its use in animal feed, the seeds of alfalfa can be sprouted and eaten by humans. Alfalfa has entered India from north-west viz. Baluchistan, Afghanistan, Kashmir & other countries approached from the north-west. Alfalfa or Lucerne is rich in essential enzymes, minerals and vitamins, supports healthy digestive system and human trials have indicated the use of the...
Supports as Anti-oxidant & for Nutrition Supports lowering of Joint inflammation & pain sensation Saponins present helps to reduce Cholesterol...
Amla Fruit Powder  Emblica officinalis
$11.00 USD $13.00 USD
Supports as Natural VIT C Supplement Supports as Anti-Oxidant & helps in damaged cells repair Supports cardiac health & low bad cholesterol levels Supports boost in Immunity and high energy in weak body Amla known as Indian gooseberry (Botanical name – Emblica Officinalis ) is very important and largely used herb in Ayurvedic medicinal formulations. It grows throughout India, bears sour-tasting gooseberry-like fruits & is also known by the Sanskrit name ""Amalaki."" In Sanskrit other nicknames for amla have meaning ""mother,"" ""nurse,"" and ""immortality""—which proves healing capacity of its fruits. Amla as per Ayurveda has Vitiated Tridosha (Vatta, Pitta, Kapha) pacifying capacity; especially it prevents excessive formation & accumulation of Pitta. Amla helps to flush toxins & rejuvenates all of the tissues in the body and re-energize ojas, the essence of immunity and youthfulness. Amla helps for digestion in macro & micro levels and in the absorption of important nutrients...
Supports as Natural VIT C Supplement Supports as Anti-Oxidant & helps in damaged cells repair Supports cardiac health & low...
Moringa Leaves Powder Moringa oleifera
$13.49 USD $14.49 USD
Great source of energy and stamina.  Supports Joint Health & General Nutrition. Supports removal of blockages in blood and healthy heart pumping. Promotes improvement in digestion and absorption of nutrition from food. Contains Anti-oxidants, essential nutrients, which supports Nutrition & healthy blood circulation. Premium Quality. FIRST CHOICE OF SPORTS PLAYERS WHO NEED ENERGY AND STAMINA Moringa (commonly known as drum stick, botanical name – Moringa oleifera) is a plant that is native to the sub-Himalayan areas of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Afghanistan. It is also grown in the tropics. The leaves, bark, flowers, fruit, seeds, and root are used to make medicine.Ayurveda mentions that it is useful in pacifying Vitiated kapha/vata, promotes adequate blood flow to heart muscles & low blood lipid levels. Ayurveda says, by virtue of its properties of Tikshna & Ushna it supports healthy digestion and non accumulation of waste materials, toxins & fat cells. As mentioned...
Great source of energy and stamina.  Supports Joint Health & General Nutrition. Supports removal of blockages in blood and healthy...
Noni Fruit Powder Morinda Tinctoria
$12.49 USD $13.99 USD
Natural Anti-oxidant Support It contains Natural phytochemicals, minerals, Vitamins Supporting as energising agent Supports as Natural Supplementary super food for Immunity & good health Supports healthy cellular tissue growth Noni also known as Indian Mulberry is the Hawaiian name for the Morinda citrifolia botanical plant, an evergreen shrub that probably originated in Southeast Asia and has spread throughout Oceania. As Noni Berry is pungent and bitter, it was only eaten during times of famine. However, Polynesians used the noni berry widely as a dye and to treat wounds, inflammations, infections and other ailments.Noni is sometimes known as a superfood because of its constituents like phytochemicals, antioxidants, polysaccharides, flavonoids, fatty acids, and catechins. Morinda contains different amino acids, as well as a significant amount of other nutrients. These nutritive compounds protect cells from oxidative damage caused by free radicals, which helps reduce the risk for premature aging and chronic conditions like...
Natural Anti-oxidant Support It contains Natural phytochemicals, minerals, Vitamins Supporting as energising agent Supports as Natural Supplementary super food for...
Safed musli Powder  Chlorophytum borivilianum
$14.99 USD $13.99 USD
Promotes Vigour & Vitality Supports enhancement of physical strength and healthy muscle power Supports Natural, Healthy libido & overall energy level Promotes healthy Male Reproductive System functions Safed Musli is decorticated rhizome or tuberous root of Chlorophytum borivilianum plant, they are dried and powdered. In Ayurveda it is mentioned as bitter in taste, heavy to digest. Safed musli is useful to pacify vitiated Vata and has body nourishing properties. Safed Musli powder has adequate fibres which help to clear bowel & reduce inflammation of internal piles. In Ayurveda Safed Musli is considered to be one of the best Rejuvenating tonic for all. Safed Musli is also gaining increasing acceptance as a Natural Vitalizer and health-giving tonic, a curative for pre-natal and post-natal problems, a restorative for immunity-improvement and as a useful adjuvant remedy for diabetes and arthritis. The recent discovery of Safed Musli as a natural and safe aphrodisiac agent...
Promotes Vigour & Vitality Supports enhancement of physical strength and healthy muscle power Supports Natural, Healthy libido & overall energy...
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